Refund Policy

Returns / Cancellation / Refunds

How can I exchange or cancel my order?

If you are not completely satisfied with the quality of your order upon arrival, please contact within 48 hours of receipt, with a detailed description and photograph(s), for assistance with a replacement or exchange. Due to the perishable nature of our products, all claims submitted without proper support documents will not be eligible for re-shipment. OMS reserves the right to limit replacements. For more details, please go to our Returns & Refunds page.

Cookie Policy

What Are Cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your hard drive through the web browsers you visit places cookies on your device when you visit our website similar to many other websites. This enables our system to recognise your preferences and enhance your experience.

Cookie Types and Uses:

Necessary cookies – These cookies allow you to navigate the website and ensure that pages are displayed correctly.

Analytics cookies – These cookies allow us to measure and analyse how our customers interact with our website and view our emails. This improves both the functionality of our website and the user shopping experience.

Preferences cookies – In order to provide a more unique online shopping experience, these cookies will remember your personalised preferences including your shipping country and the filters that are important to you.

Marketing cookies – These cookies are used to deliver adverts that are more relevant to you and your interests. They also limit the number of times that you see an ad and help us measure the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns.

By using our website, you agree to the storing of cookies on your hard drive. You can manage your cookie preferences by changing your browser settings.

Please note that by disabling certain cookies, your user experience may be affected, and our website may no longer function as intended.

For more details on how we use the information provided to us, please see our Security & Privacy Policy.

© 2024 Om Saravanabavaa Trading India (PL) | Website Designed by Spidergems

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