
Showing 1–8 of 18 results

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    Ajwa Dates

    It is cultivated in Madinah and has a dry but smooth texture. It delightfully melts in the mouth.

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    Barhi Dates

    These dates are fresh, rich with a syrupy flavor.

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    Dayri Dates

    These soft dates are heavy and sweet in flavor.

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    Deglet Noor Dates

    These semi-dry dates are sweet and delicate in flavor and are known for their aesthetic Date flavor.

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    Fard dates

    Fard Dates have a semi-moist texture with a soft, mild sweetness. These dates are high in Protein and Calcium,

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    Halawy Dates

    They are a delightful soft date with a sweet caramel-honey like flavor.

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    Khudri Dates

    They are moderately sweet with a nice “Date” flavor, chewy but not dry.

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    Kimia/Mazafati/Rutab Dates

    Kimia/Rutab/Mazafati dates are delicious and tasty soft dates.

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